Thursday, August 6, 2015

See you soon Hong Kong

I still can't believe my departure date is so soon! After graduation, during the beginning of the summer months, leaving for Hong Kong still felt like ages away. However, as summer comes to a close, so does my time in the US. I will be leaving for Hong Kong on August 25th!!!

The strange reality of my trip is that I will not arrive in HK until August 27th. Where did the 26th go? Im glad you asked! Here's my itinerary so you can better understand:

Depart: Reagan National (5:05pm) -> Arrive: LAX (7:49pm)
           You might be thinking "oh thats a really short flight!"
           But in reality its duration =  5 hours 44 mins 
           Timezones are funny and confusing and they are about to get even weirder!
            Layover: 3 hours 50 mins

Depart: LAX (11:30) (11:30pm) -> Arrive: Korea (4:15am) on 8/27????
           Duration = 12 hours 45 mins
           So the way time works (I think), I gain hours traveling west from DC to LA, but when  
           traveling from LA to Korea I pass a line that flips the time difference. So I gain hours and
           then loose a whole day flying from LA to Korea. 13 hour flight + 12 hour time difference=
           goodbye 8/26
           Layover: 4 hours

Depart: Korea (8:10am) -> Arrive: Hong Kong (10:55 am)
          Duration = 3 hours 45 mins 
          I know more time travel, but by this time Im going to be all sorts of messed up and will just
          be happy to be in HK!

Total Travel Time:
          flying time:    22 hours 15 mins
          layover time:   7 hours  50 mins
          Total:              30 hours 5 mins!!!

          Total miles flown = 9,563 miles

So as you can see my trip is going to be very long and most likely very stressful. Luckily I will be traveling with another YASCer, MG Benhase, who will also be working in HK! I consider myself a well experienced and patient traveler, but this trip will definitely stretch me. I was actually thinking of learning Cantonese during all of the travel time. 30 hours should be enough time to become fluent right?

I want to take the time to thank everyone who has supported me and my mission in Hong Kong. I don't think I would be able to take such a big leap across the world without all of your love and support. I will definitely be thinking of all of you as I begin packing physically and mentally for HK